How To Cite A Press Release

Press releases can be useful sources of information for reporters, bloggers, students, and other writers seeking out a primary source on a significant development. When a press release is used for such purposes, best practices require that it is properly cited.

Quality Crafted and Far-Reaching Press Releases That Make An Impact

Are you looking to make a big impact on your small business? Look no further than press releases - they're a powerful tool for amplifying your news! Learn how to use them to your advantage.

Proper citation of a press release is relevant for marketing purposes as well as journalistic and academic ones. Apart from knowing how to write a press release, writers should know how to cite competitor or partner announcements when a response is merited.

For journalists, bloggers, students, and authors who are using a press release as an information source, it helps to understand the components of this type of content. Reviewing press release templates and examples can be helpful for doing so.

The type and topic of a press release do not impact whether it should be credited as a source. This means that a press release discussing a case study would be quoted or referenced in the same manner as a production milestone release, or any other.

The right way to cite a press release depends on the writing or academic format standards the writer is using. These are typically detailed in style guides and the correct method for citing sources will vary accordingly. There are also different methods for citing a press release on a reference list and as an in-text citation.

This article will cover a few of the most common methods for how to cite a press release as a source of information in the body of an article, blog, or other content, and as an entry on a works-cited or reference list.

MLA Standards For How To Cite A Press Release

The Modern Language Association of America rules for citing a press release on a reference list or works cited page is as follows:

Start with the title of the press release, which should end with a period, and be enclosed with quotes.

The name of the publishing or issuing organization follows the title. This text should be in italics and followed by a comma.

The press release’s publication date comes next, which is in plain text, followed by a comma.

The URL is included next, followed by a period.

Finally, the text “Press Release” should be added to indicate the type of reference, which is closed with a period.

Here is an example:

“New Case Study Confirms Productivity And Quality Improvements From Kind Industrial’s Bag Sealer Equipment”. Kind Industrial, Jan 1, 2023, Press Release.

The MLA standards for an in-text press release citation are as follows.

Enclose any text taken directly from the press release in quotes.

After the quote, include the title of the press release, which should also be contained in quotes and then enclosed in parentheses.

Here is an example:

“Some of the most notable findings from the case study was a three-fold increase in packaging output.” (“New Case Study Confirms Productivity And Quality Improvements From Kind Industrial’s Bag Sealer Equipment”)

APA Standards For How To Cite A Press Release

The American Psychological Association rules for citing a press release on a reference list or works cited page are as follows:

Start with the name of the publishing or issuing organization. This text should be in plain, non-italic style, followed by a period.

The press release’s publication date, starting with the year, month, and date, comes next. This is also in plain text and enclosed in parentheses, which should be followed by a period.

The title of the press release is next, which should be in italics. It should not be separated from the next portion by a period, comma, or any other punctuation.

The text “Press Release” should follow the title to indicate the type of reference. It should be in plain text and enclosed in brackets, followed by a period.

The URL is the final part of the entry. It should be in plain text, and there should be no closing punctuation.

Here is an example:

Kind Industrial. (2023, Jan.1) New Case Study Confirms Productivity And Quality Improvements From Kind Industrial’s Bag Sealer Equipment [Press Release].

The APA standards for an in-text press release citation are as follows.

Enclose any text taken directly from the press release in quotes.

After the quote, include the name of the press release’s publishing or issuing organization, followed by a comma, and the year of publication. All of this information should be in plain text and enclosed in parentheses.

Here is an example:

“Among the more surprising revelations from the case study were the additional benefits of reduced quality assurance flags during product inspection.” (Kind Industrial, 2023)

Chicago Manual Standards For How To Cite A Press Release

The Chicago Manual Of Style rules for citing a press release on a reference list or works cited page is as follows:

Start with the title of the press release written in italic text, which should end with a comma.

The press release’s publication year follows the title. It should be written in plain text followed by a period.

The press release’s URL is the final part of the entry. It should be in plain text, followed by a period.

Here is an example:

New Case Study Confirms Productivity And Quality Improvements From Kind Industrial’s Bag Sealer Equipment, 2023.

The TCM standards for an in-text press release citation are the same as the above, which would follow any text from the release. Text taken directly from the release should be enclosed in quotes.

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