A Book Press Release Example

You need a press release to publicize your book. It may be to broadcast its upcoming or recent publication, draw attendees to an in-person signing or reading, or share another piece of news with prospective readers and members of the media.

Quality Crafted and Far-Reaching Press Releases That Make An Impact

Are you looking to make a big impact on your small business? Look no further than press releases - they're a powerful tool for amplifying your news! Learn how to use them to your advantage.

A book press release is a chance to approach your book news like a trustworthy journalist who is eager to share the facts with a curious audience. And when done properly, the results can mean extending your reach, building recognition, and growing your reader base.

But knowing how to write a press release for a book can be a little challenging. You want to promote your work, but you also need to account for your most desired audience and their sensibilities. After all, you want this content to convert them from press release readers into book buyers.

You also need to account for an informative and objective tone, which can be seen in high-quality press release templates. These resources can be of great help when you must decide what information to include and how to apply it to the correct structure.

There are also different press release angles that you can use to publicize a book. If your book promotion will involve an event, such as a book signing, or if it will be featured in other media, such as a discussion on a podcast, you may want to make these developments the focus apart from just the book and its contents.

An author interview, for example, can be promoted through a special appearance press release, or news about winning a debut author award can be shared in a press release that discusses winning an award.

An Example Of A Book Press Release For A New Novel

If you need a more general approach, the following example may be helpful. This sample release will focus on an upcoming novel publication, but its structure and tone can also be applied to short fiction, nonfiction, reference, and other types of books.

Seven stories of modern relationships are uncovered in Lynn Stern new novel, Alteration. In this debut novel, a collection of romantic tales are all connected through the viewpoint of a droll-witted wedding boutique owner in New York’s fashion district. Readers who enjoy drama, humor, and plenty of heartwarming, love-affirming moments will find a lot to enjoy in this soon-to-be-released novel.

Alteration is now available for preorder on Amazon, through major online booksellers, and Lynn Stern’s website.

Through the overlapping stories in Alteration, Lynn Stern brings to life connection, conflict, and characters that are both modern and timeless. The author draws inspiration from her lifelong love of classic romance literature, paperback mellow-dramas, and her own experience working as a wedding planner’s assistant in Manhattan.

“Over the years, I’ve been given a fly-on-the-wall perspective of brides, grooms, and their friends and families, and also all of the professionals who try to turn fairytales into reality. A lot of times things don’t go to plan, but what’s leftover are powerful lessons and true love stories that I wanted to share,” said Lynn Stern on recounting the inspiration behind Alteration’s pages.

To be published by Gloss & Co. Press, Alteration is due for release in hardcover and ebook in December of 2023. The novel is now available for preorder through popular online booksellers and can be waitlisted at bookshops throughout the United States. For additional information, email Lynn Stern.

Tips For Writing A Book Press Release

Maintain an objective tone by focusing on details that will attract readers instead of trying to persuade them.

Make sure to mention the book’s genre and other information that will be meaningful to the target audience.

Give a little background on the author as well as what inspired the book.

Include a quote from the author or a credible review source that adds meaningful context and will be likely to resonate with future readers.

Make sure to mention when the book will be available and how buyers can get a copy.

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