A Press Release For A New Hire Example

Issuing a press release to publicize a new hire is a smart idea. It’s a way to broadcast that your company is attracting talent and growing, which benefits your capabilities and your customers.

Quality Crafted and Far-Reaching Press Releases That Make An Impact

Are you looking to make a big impact on your small business? Look no further than press releases - they're a powerful tool for amplifying your news! Learn how to use them to your advantage.

But if you’re not sure how to write a press release or how to approach this topic, you may need some help getting started.

The following example can help you gain a better understanding how a press release announcing a new hire approaches this topic and enables you to share your news with a wider audience.

A New Hire Press Release Example

The following is an example of a brief new hire press release. This example is focused on just the release itself. It does not include the press release headline, summary, and boilerplate. For more details on how to create those components, resources like press release templates and more detailed guides on creating a new employee announcement will be helpful.

A Sample Of A New Hire Press Release

Customer service is a paramount factor in the success of a business. It takes the right team to deliver an experience that inspires trust. Sayerson Inc. is proud to be growing its team of call representatives with talented and capable professionals. The live support and voice-to-voice operations service provider has added a new member to its organization.

To learn more about remote call center and live support services, visit Sayerson Inc.’s website.

Outsourced teams of cell center specialists are vital to many different types of businesses and non-profits. These companies need to know their calls will be managed by competent individuals. Joining the team at Sayerson Inc. is Casey Nelson, a call center representative who brings years of experience and many professional skills to the new role.

After considering many candidates, Ms. Nelson was selected to join the Sayerson team on September 22, 2023. According to the company, her excellent interpersonal skills and experience as a hotline operator and call response specialist in many different industries made her a standout choice for Sayerson Inc.

Of the new team member, Sayerson Inc.’s customer relations manager, Jody Tobin said, “Casey has been a great addition to our family of professionals. We are proud to have her on board as we continue to serve companies who need reliable live support and call answering services.”

As Ms. Nelson contributes her experience and expertise to Sayerson Inc., the company looks forward to growing and continuing to carry out its mission to serve its customers.

New Hire Press Release Writing Tips

Organize the facts of your press release by answering key questions about the development, including who was hired, when they’ll start, what their new role and duties will entail, and why they were selected.

Make the focus your customers and what your growing team means for their experience.

Put the new hire in the context of what your company does by connecting their duties and the functions of their role or department with its overall mission.

Name the capabilities or special skills that made your new hire the right choice for your company.

Include a quote from someone who will be working with the new hire or directly from the new hire to add emphasis to the news.

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