How To Issue An Award Announcement

Issuing an award announcement can reflect favorably on an individual, business, or organization, but you need to take the right approach. You have to find the balance between sharing a positive development and avoiding any impressions that you’re boasting.

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You also need to choose an effective sharing method so that news of your achievement makes an impact. This article will explain a few options and provide tips for announcing that you’ve won an award, honor, or other important victory.

Award Announcement Options

The following options are some of the most common methods for announcing an award. They can be used on their own or in any combination for a larger publicity or PR campaign.

On Social Media

Social media is a fairly standard option for announcing an award. Depending on your followers, potential audience, and knowledge of how to use features like tagging, this option can deliver substantial reach. Social media award announcements can also be published easily and quickly.

Pair your award announcement post with a relevant image or video to further its impact. If possible, include media that shows the award itself or whatever best represents the effort behind the achievement. This might be a photo of your team, the original entry, etc.

Ideally, a social media award announcement should be brief and focused on what the honor or victory means. If you want to provide more detail and tell the story of how this achievement was realized, it can be better to create a blog post or press release and then link to that longer content in a social media post.

On Your Website Or Blog

Creating an award announcement for your website or blog gives you a lot of freedom. Since this is your website or blog, the standards for the announcement and whatever you wish to focus on are entirely up to you.

Depending on the traffic your website gets, you may not be able to reach as wide of an audience as you would on social media or with a press release, but a site or blog-based award announcement can function as a powerful testimonial, especially when featured alongside customer reviews and ratings.

If you don’t want to devote a significant portion of your website content to an award announcement, but you still want to make detailed information available to your visitors and customers, consider adding a brief summary and a link to a more detailed award-won press release.

With A Press Release

A press release announcing an award is an effective way to reach people through online news headlines and treat the honor as a newsworthy development.

If you already know how to write a press release, you will approach the award announcement like a news article. Even though the news is coming from your company, the information should be objective, as though a journalist is covering the story.

Reviewing an example of an award-won press release can be helpful in adopting an effective tone and structure. A press release template can also be useful for identifying what details should be included and how they should be applied to properly cover this topic.

Tips For Issuing An Award Announcement

  • Whether you decide to use one or all of the above options, these tips can help ensure that your award announcement will be well received and foster a positive impression.
  • Focus on the efforts that led to the achievement and be gracious. This will make your news more interesting and relatable and prevent it from sounding boastful.
  • Include some information on what makes the honor or award significant, such as the entry requirements or judging criteria.
  • Share the story of the entry or nomination process and why this award is a testament to qualities that you value and aspire to achieve.
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