When You Need A Concert Press Release Template

Promoting a concert has gotten much easier with so many different ways to reach fans and concert-goers online. But if you want to draw as many people to your event as possible, that means you need to know how to deploy a solid PR strategy. Which includes knowing how to write and issue a concert press release.

Quality Crafted and Far-Reaching Press Releases That Make An Impact

Are you looking to make a big impact on your small business? Look no further than press releases - they're a powerful tool for amplifying your news! Learn how to use them to your advantage.

In a lot of ways, a concert press release is like any other type of media release. Just like if you were trying to alert professionals of an upcoming trade show with an industry event press release or promote a local festival, you’re simply providing the most compelling details of the event to the people who are most likely to buy tickets and attend.

Concert Press Release Structure

A concert press release template can follow the standard press release format, which is as follows:

  • A Short, Attention-Grabbing Headline – This is your chance to capture the attention of the concert-goer. If the performer’s popular, give their name and the location of the concert. If they’re a newcomer, focus on the type of music they play to attract fans of the genre seeking something new.
  • An Intriguing Summary – Give the reader an overview of the press release and include info that couldn’t be explained in the headline, but keep it brief.
  • An Opening With Key Details – Tell the reader when and where the concert will take place and why it’s worth attending. Don’t be overly promotional; point to real reasons why this concert will be appealing, such as by highlighting the performer’s musical abilities or past successful tours.
  • A Reader Prompt – Tell the reader where they can buy tickets and include a link or direct them to a similar call-to-action.
  • An Informative Main Body – Go into more details that are relevant and interesting. Ideally, most readers will follow your reader prompt, but use the body of the press release to talk more about what makes the concert unique, like the performer’s background and style, or interesting facts about the venue and why this artist decided to put on a show there.
  • A Strong Conclusion – Wrap up the press release by reiterating compelling points to leave the reader with a sense of excitement. Let members of the media know whom they can contact and how if they want more information.
  • A Boilerplate – Include a brief bio of the performer and/or the representative issuing the press release.

Apart from understanding this structure, reviewing press release templates can help in making the right content choices and learning writing techniques for effective media announcements.

Before You Publish A Concert Press Release

Once you know how to write a press release for a concert, the next step is to get it in front of the most desired audience: ticket buyers.

A press release distribution service with a robust network of media outlets is essential to getting your news in front of as many people as possible. But before submitting for publication, ensure you’ve been strategic with your content.

If the concert is for a local band or if it’s playing at a venue that’s significant to a community, that’s an important angle. The more you tie the concert to local happenings, the more buzz your press release can generate through a local or regional news circuit.

Local ticket buyers are going to be the most likely to fill the venue, so make sure to emphasize the concert as a local event in addition to the type of entertainment experience attendees can expect.

Look at how this is accomplished in an example of a community outreach press release, which puts the focus on how a business impacts its local community. Apart from the topic of the business’s philanthropy, the press release connects a company to the location it serves, which makes it more likely to appear when local buyers search for sellers in their area.

This can be applied to selling tickets and boosting attention for your concert. Making the concert’s location a major point will help your press release gain traction in online news results that automatically appear based on a user’s location.

So when you write a concert press release with your targeted reader in mind, don’t forget to account for how they’ll find your news. A lot of people scroll through headlines in the course of their day, and search engines show them results based on what’s happening in their area.

This means that your concert press release is likely to appear where they’re browsing. It’s also that much more likely to catch the eye of local fans and visitors looking for entertainment in the area.

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