Why Announcing A New Hire Is Important

Welcoming a new member to your organization is an occasion that’s worthy of a special announcement, or quite possibly, multiple announcements.

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Depending on the size of the company, it’s customary to send out an internal message announcing the new hire. This helps current employees get acquainted with their newest colleague and also helps the incoming team member feel welcome and valued.

There are also many reasons to make a new hire a newsworthy event. Taking on a new employee shows that your company is growing, acquiring new talent, and is an attractive place to work.

These are the types of attributes that can help a company foster positive impressions and generate buzz within its industry.

How To Share A New Employee Announcement

The way a company spreads this news can take many forms. Posts on professional networks like LinkedIn are common methods of announcing a new hire, as are company posts on social networks.

New employee spotlights and interviews, which can be done through video, blog posts, and other content, are useful for highlighting the capabilities that the new hire will bring to the role. This can also be a chance to showcase how the company values its individual workers and who is behind the efforts it brings to serving its customers.

Press releases are also excellent options for sharing the news of a new employee. Press releases provide an opportunity to broadcast how the new hire’s skills will fit into the company and how this new team member will be an asset in fulfilling its goals.

Publishing one or a combination of announcements can help increase the impact of company news. However your organization decides to spread the word, there are some tips and methods that will help in determining which information should be included and how to share it.

Tips For Announcing A New Hire

Whether creating a social media post, a new employee spotlight, or learning how to write a press release, announcing a new hire requires the right balance of information.

Always make sure your new employee is aware of the details you’ll be sharing and there are no potential conflicts. Also ensure they have a chance to review and approve the content of the announcement.

Standard details for a new employee announcement will usually include the employee’s full name, their new title and the role they’ll be filling, some of their qualifications and any notable credentials, and when they’re due to join the team. To be really impactful, include a quote from the new hire, as well as one from a current employee commenting on their new team member.

As you’ll see in many press release templates, there are a lot of different ways to frame fairly standard information so that it’s more compelling and creates a positive impression about a company. A new hire announcement can use this same approach.

Here are ways to make news of a new hire more engaging:

  • Celebrate Your New Hire As An Individual – Include some of your new hire’s interests or passions that are related to their professional background. For example, if your new equipment maintenance supervisor is also great at restoring vintage cars, that can be an interesting and fun fact to include alongside their professional qualifications.
  • Mention Your Growing Team – Use some of their details about the new hire’s role to discuss some of the practices and capabilities of the company. Use the announcement as an opportunity to show that your organization is growing a talented team to better serve its customers.
  • Emphasize Your Company Mission– Give some of the reasons why your new hire was the best choice for the role by naming some of their skills and abilities. Emphasize that your company values these positive attributes and relate them back to its overall mission.
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